Thursday, 10 April 2008

I should be in bed

I should should be in bed but i read that the world will grow less this year, that the FMI said the world is not growing as it should be, that it is slowing down, and this, as usual, gets me thinking about what this growth is about. Growth has a good press, the bigger the percentage the better, we are very impressed with china, c'mon, 13% of growth, for the last 5 or 6 years. Shiiiit, you know, with a 13% you only need 5 years to double, so basically china has doubled its economy in the last 5 years. Dangers of exponential growth. Now that is vertigo, that is the REAL vertigo. I don't even want to go into it now. But back to where I was: growth, strange equations:
WE grow, their forests SHRINK,
we GROW their OIL depletes
and its not so simple anymore
THEY GROW they start to live like we do (who can blame them for wanting what we want!)
more cows and pigs die and with them rainforests are transformed to pastures for them
not to give them a good life no, to give US a good life
the quicker the better, the better the bigger, the bigger the faster
like a JUNKIE who gives himself a QUICK FIX
after the pastures are eaten away and the weather follows the physics, we will be left with no forest and no pasture and no rain.... the wise and wonderful science, the marvelous and unbelievable technique all to the service of mankind... the more we progress the less time we have, the less is available, the fewer species left.

deadly equations silently agreed and signed by delusionated minds again and again. and the faster and faster gets us closer and closer inversely like the turtle and aquiles only I wish this was never a race... grow in a finite world and you will hit its limits, grow in a finite world and you will OUTgrow its limits making its limits SHRINK,
outgrow its shrinking limits, yeah cowboy....
faster and faster.
Now I should really be in bed.

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