Tuesday, 19 February 2008

A bit of Gamelan please

Cita Utsawa, Written by Wayan Berata and performed by The Gamelan Ensemble of STSI Denpasa in 1983.

"As with other pieces on this recording, Cita Utsawa (also known by the name Kebyar Dang) represents a fusion between genres. It unites instrumental and vocal music in a new way, highlighting the particular beauties of each style of composition: the explosive, multicolored world of kebyar instrumental music is
combined with the floating and poignant melodies of Balinese vocal music. But it also achieves another kind of fusion. Cita Utsawa is a perfect example of how theatricality, in its distinctly Balinese character, can be-married to form in an
instrumental work, made possible through the virtuosic playing technique of the gamelan musicians. Unlike the Western classical aesthetic, which often puts composition (form) on the highest pedestal, the Balinese aesthetic universe defines the ideal performance as one in which "the three Ts" are in perfect balance: tampil (appearance, display), terampil (skill, technique), and tabuh (composition)."

If you hold on for 6 minutes the singing starts, so high pitched at the beginning that it sounds almost like one of the flutes. It's worth the wait! Here is what the lyrics mean:
"Farming must be strengthened
Fishing as well
That's what we all wish for

A fertile county, a prosperous people
So that we can continue development
And cooperation-all must be protected "

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