Sunday, 24 February 2008

More Nice News on a Very Nice Day

It is a bright sunny day, I feel almost like singing!

So here we go again with the story of the downer cow in a "meat packaging factory" in California.
Nice piece of news which comments on the reality that the meat industry (how an awful and truthful name!) is concentrated on a few hands, which pushes prices down and conditions to animal welfare lower: "Under such conditions, we can expect the meat packers to continue seeing animals as industrial commodities that must be processed as cheaply as possible to maintain profitability. And we can expect more abuse - both of animals and of the safety of our food supply." But I think that what matters is that people in general are not used to question what is on the tip of their forks, or to give a damn about where it comes from, it is this rooted ignorance which keeps the shit flowing... and given the capitalist system that we inhabit I doubt that things can turn around, as the media is controlled by private companies there to make a buck, and believe me when I say that telling people not to eat meat (or that type of meat) is bad business for big business... So draw your own conclusions, but the picture is clear.

And now for a bit of Cosmology: Space junk, what a laugh!
"According to the space agency Nasa, there are now 9,000 pieces of orbiting junk, weighing a total of more than 5,500 tonnes: old rocket launchers, tools and instruments dropped by astronauts, and pieces of exploded spacecraft."

Enough for now, gotta get out, enjoy the sun and maybe have a Belgian beer or two... or three what the hell I feel thirsty now!

One more thing, and I warn you that this is not for sensitive stomachs, yes, it's another food factory horror story. I'll post nicer things tomorrow, I promise.

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